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The Architecture of Open Source Applications

Here is one interesting book for all coders. The Architecture of Open Source Applications book has a goal to change the fact that most software developers only ever get to know a handful of large programs well. In the book, the authors of twenty-five open source applications explain how their software is structured, and why.

Google Hamina data center details

Google’s Latest Data Center Is Cooled Entirely With Ocean Water article tells about newest Google data center. Google has a new video showing how it’s using sea water to cool its new data center in Hamina, Finland. The water is sucked in through granite tunnels (the site used to be a paper mill and the

Boot Linux In Your Browser

Boot Linux In Your Browser: Fabrice Bellard, the initiator of the QEMU emulator, wrote a PC emulator in JavaScript. You can now boot Linux in your browser, provided it is recent enough (Firefox 4 and Google Chrome 11 are reported to work). This Linux image includes his own realtime C compiler as the C compiler.

Entering The Minority Report Era?

Stephen Spielberg’s Minority Report (released nearly 10 years ago) captured the imagination of many in the technology space. Today we are seeing some things from the movie start to come true right in front of our eyes today. Entering The Minority Report Era: A Video Series article shows some examples of those technologies. The video

USB stick PC for $25

Game developer David Braben creates a USB stick PC for $25 article tells about an interesting project from Raspberry Pi Foundation. The idea is to a manufacture a very low cost PC that can be given to kids for free and courses built up around their use. Braben has developed a tiny USB stick PC

Quick edit mode in Windows shell

Quick edit mode allows one to use the mouse to select text, cut, copy and paste in command shell. This is very useful. Something I have used to do on Linux shell and wondered why I can’t do the same easily on Windows command shell. This mode is not enabled by default in Windos, although

Generate waveforms

Testing audio-noise-reduction circuits, PLLs (phase-locked loops), and audio-frequency filters may require a noisy sine wave. Generate noisy sine waves with a sound card article tells that using a typical computer sound card, free software, and an external amplifier circuit, you can create a noisy sine wave. So a sound card, software, and an amplifier circuit

Facebook datacenter "secrets"

Facebook Open Sources Its Servers and Data Centers. Facebook has shared many details of its new server and data center design on Building Efficient Data Centers with the Open Compute Project article and project. Open Compute Project effort will bring this web scale computing to the masses. The new data center is designed for AMD