
Coputer topics

Last IPv4 Addresses Allocated

Today is a historic milestone for the Internet: the allocation of the last remaining IPv4 Internet addresses from a central pool. The ICANN pool of available unallocated addresses for IPv4 is completely depleted. The allocation of the final IPv4 addresses is analogous to the last crates of a product leaving a manufacturing warehouse and going

Web browser gaming

Mozilla wants to see the web browser as a new gaming platform in addition to normal browsing use. Mozilla Labs Game On is all about games built, delivered and played on the open Web and the browser. Out of the 160+ submissions to the first competition, 124 games have been selected to be showcased in

VGA is dying?

Many modern PCs still use the over 20 year old 15 pin analogue VGA connector to connect the display to PC. The VGA connector carries the video signal in RGB format, which is a bit outdated in the world where the graphics card and display devices are all digital. Most Windows PC builders have been

Saleae Logic Analyzer

If you’ve ever had a problem getting two chips to talk, or wanted to reverse engineer a protocol, a logic analyzer is the right tool for this. Logic analyzer only detects digital high and low digital states, it records many signals simultaneously and allows to dump data to a computer for analysis. Logic analyzers can

MPEG Transport Stream Editing

Files made of Digital Television broadcast can be very large. One hour of program can easily be over two gigabytes. I had one recording from which I wanted to take a part and convert it to another format. So I needed tools to edit the file I had and convert it. The Digital Television broadcast

Producing Open Source Software

Producing Open Source Software book tells how to run a Successful free software project. This book is about t the human side of open source development. It describes how successful projects operate, the expectations of users and developers, and the culture of free software. The book is released under an open copyright: it is available

Not so boring sorting algorithms

Anyone who has ever done a programming course or tried to learn to code out of a book will have come across sorting algorithms. Bubble, heap, merge, there’s a long list of these methods of sorting data. The subject matter is fairly dry, and is usually presented in a prety boring way. Sorting algorithms: quite

HTML5 Pac-Man

Everyone knows and loves Pacman game. Programmer Dale Harvey has created a playable version of Pac-Man because writing a simple browser game seemed like a good idea. He is using only web standards: localStorage, HTML5 Audio, Canvas and @font-face. To play Harvey’s game, you’ll need to use a browser that supports the HTML5 elements he’s