Laptop screen repairs
How to replace your damaged notebook or laptop LCD screen video will show you how to remove your damaged or non-functioning notebook or laptop lcd screen. →
Coputer topics
How to replace your damaged notebook or laptop LCD screen video will show you how to remove your damaged or non-functioning notebook or laptop lcd screen. →
Did you realize you can actually cut printing costs just by choosing another font? Printing Costs: Does Font Choice Make a Difference? article tells that you can save environment and money with right printing font choices. The article says that it is possible to save 31% on your ink cartridge costs just by picking the →
Windows Internet Explorer 9 Test Drive page intended to give Web developers an early look at the Web platform technology coming in the next release of Internet Explorer. The page shows developers the progress in IE and give ideas to start planning if and how they want to support new HTML5 capabilities in the future. →
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks like Internet. The project is a big virtual cluster of timeservers providing reliable easy to use NTP service for millions of clients. Unfortunately NTP cannot be used everywhere without problems. NTP uses UDP on →
The iPad The iPad is a tablet computer developed by Apple Inc. Since the announcement of it in January 2010 it has been one of the most talked about technology gadget. Understanding the iPad’s Industrial Design article tells that iPad is the culmination of Jon Ive’s quest for the ultimate industrial design, a search for →
New advances in optical communications are always interesting. IBM Scientists Create Ultra-Fast Device Which Uses Light for Communication between Computer Chips and IBM jumps ‘last hurdle’ to on-chip optical communication articles tell that IBM scientists few weeks ago unveiled a significant step towards replacing electrical signals that communicate via copper wires between computer chips with →
H.264 use isn’t all free all the time. MPEG-LA is the industry group that licenses the H.264 patent portfolio to the likes of software companies, optical-disc duplicators, Blu-ray player makers, and others who have need to use H.264. MPEG LA licenses a portfolio of more than 1,000 H.264-related patents on behalf of 26 companies that →
It does not always pay to design everything from ground up. Basing your product on a reference design or demo board can speed time to market. And on hobby projects using ready designs can help you so that you can concentrate using your time on the most interesting parts instead spending most of the time →
The most common reasons that modern digital electronics devices fail seem to be a bad electrolytic capacitors. Bad electrolytic capacitors cause frequent failures of switch mode power supplies. It seems power supplies are often the weakest link in many modern electronics devices. Since there is tremendous price pressure on PC’s and other consumer electronics devices, →
The main selling points of Java is that it can actually be used on any computer. All that the computer needs is an interpreter for Java bytecode. Such an interpreter simulates the Java virtual machine in the same way that Virtual PC simulates a PC computer. Theoretically if you write a Java program well, it →