Best Programmer WebComic Strips
25 Best Programmer WebComic Strips is a list of 25 best programmers webcomics and all in one page! Enjoy. →
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25 Best Programmer WebComic Strips is a list of 25 best programmers webcomics and all in one page! Enjoy. →
The new HTML 5 standard is gaining significant traction even though HTML 5 is still in the draft process and has not yet been ratified by W3C. Browser makers are already implementing key features of HTML 5 and bringing robust support for some of its most advanced capabilities to end users. HTML 5 has many →
Register Hardware has just published Inside USB 3.0 article on new coming USB 3.0 technology. USB 3.0 is sometimes called SuperSpeed USB because of its 5Gb/s peak data-transfer rate. NEC announced first host controller chip for USB 3.0 last week. Achieving that 5Gb/s data rate has required some hardware changes because simply can’t do SuperSpeed →
Try to imagine where 3D gaming would be today if not for the graphics processing unit, or GPU. It’s pretty amazing when you think about how far graphics technology has come. Maximum PC has publishes an interesting article From Voodoo to GeForce: The Awesome History of 3D Graphics that takes a look back at every →
Laptop evolution video shows the evolution of the laptop computer since 1976 to today in three minutes. The video goes even beyond today. The video consists of pictures of different laptop models and background music. Laptop evolution from YouTube →
Google has published recently more and more details on their data center and their own servers they use. Some of the most interesting details can be found at the Google Efficient Data Centers Summit presentations. Google Efficient Data Centers Summit – 2 of 3 video is worth to watch if you are interested in how →
Touch interfaces are hardly futuristic at this point, but multi-touch hardware like the Microsoft Surface or the iPhone is just starting to become a big deal. Now it is time to learn how they work and maybe try to build our own. site has published an interesting article called “Build Your Own Multitouch Surface →