Data Center and Cloud

Edge computing could push the cloud to the fringe | TechCrunch I can believe in this vision! Edge computing could push the cloud to the fringe Peter Levine believes that cloud computing is soon going to take a back seat to edge computing — and we will very quickly see the majority of processing taking place at the device level. As crazy as that sounds — and

How Google Turned Open Source Into A Key Differentiator For Its Cloud Platform Open source software has come of its age. Today it’s impossible to think of a platform company that doesn’t have an open source strategy. Even Microsoft – a company that once compared open source to cancer – has embraced it fully.  Of course, we have companies like CloudBees, Red Hat and Docker that built

Arduino developers get extra support as Codeanywhere acquires Codebender Codeanywhere, a cross platform cloud IDE for creating web apps and sites has acquired Codebender, another cloud IDE that enables users to develop for Arduino devices.  Codebender and its additional services and will continue to operate and be supported by Codeanywhere. Codebender has attracted about 100,000 users and more than 300,000 projects are

How to launch a community project on GitHub | GitHub has become a fairly central part of many open source projects. Although many people focus on the code-hosting aspect of GitHub, the platform also includes comprehensive features for issue management, code review, and integration with many other tools and platforms. For new open source projects, however, getting started and ensuring that GitHub repos are

Radiators powered by excess computing energy are heating homes for free Is this stupid or ingenious? French company Qarnot has developed small devices known as Q.rads, tiny remote computers that when networked together have the capacity to provide a cloud computing service to companies. The heat generated by the Q.rads, which are situated in residential and public buildings, is then used to heat the buildings,

Web Developer Security Checklist – Simple Security Developing secure, robust web applications in the cloud is hard, very hard. If you think it is easy, you are either a higher form of life or you have a painful awakening ahead of you. Think twice before you launch your “proto-product”. Acknowledge that you are skipping many of critical security issues. At the very minimum, be honest with

What to expect from Google I/O 2017 Google’s annual I/O developer conference starts on Wednesday. I ecpect it to be full of news and announcements. The next version of Google’s mobile OS – Android O will likely be revealed.  Android is going to work beyond smartphones and tablets. Android O could bring additional VR features.  Google pushes Wear and Wear-related tech and development

Google’s new IoT Core service helps businesses manage their IoT data and devices | TechCrunch Google Cloud launched a new Internet of Things management service today called Google Cloud IoT Core that provides a way for companies to manage IoT devices and process data being generated by those devices. It works with Google’s software services like Google Cloud Dataflow, Google BigQuery, andGoogle Cloud Machine Learning Engine. Customers can work with third-party partners like ARM, Intel and