Electronics Design

POPULAR ELECTRONICS: Consumer Electronics and Experimenter magazine

https://www.americanradiohistory.com/Popular-Electronics-Guide.htm American Radio History site has Popular Electronics and a number of other 50′s-90′s electronics and computer magazines, all PDF. Includes the Experimenter’s Handbooks and several Ham Radio focused publications. There is also a Reference Book. Great collection of history for all of you that grew up with it and those that did not.

Electronics design ideas 2019

Innovation is critical in today’s engineering world and it demands technical knowledge and the highest level of creativity. Seeing compact articles that solve design problems or display innovative ways to accomplish design tasks can help to fuel your electronics creativity. You can find many very circuit ideas at ePanorama.net circuits page. In addition to this

Electronics trends for 2019

Electronics technology and market trends for 2019: Markets: The Future of the Semiconductor Industry is Bright. Demand is rising for AI and automotive, flat for mobile phones, with trade uncertainty looming over everything. Foundries see growth and new issues in 2019. WSTS industry forecast projects annual global market growth of 2.6 percent in 2019. Politics:

Friday Art: Circuit Sculptures

Circuits are beautiful in their own way, and a circuit sculpture takes that abstract beauty and makes it into a purposeful art form. Some artists can use circuit wires as the structure of a sculpture, and can try to tell a story with components. Twelve Circuit Sculptures We Can’t Stop Looking At article shows you

Step adjustable resistor box

A decade box is a type of test equipment that can be used to substitute the interchanging of different values of certain passive components when you need adjustable value in electronics laboratory. Decade boxes are made for resistance, capacitance, and inductance. Decade boxes are typically quite expensive devices (compared to other cheap electronics parts). I

SMD soldering and repair

Here is a good collection videos on SMD soldering and replacing SMD components. Enjoy. Replacing SMD components without burning neighboring connectors without hot tweezers Desoldering Techniques One Hit Desoldering Desoldering without hot air How to Solder properly || Through-hole (THT) & Surface-mount (SMD) Sostituzione connettore alimentazione micro usb step by step How to repair bridge

8 Strategies to Develop a New Product – Hackster Blog

https://predictabledesigns.com/product-development-strategies/ There are multiple ways for you to develop a new physical product and bring it to market. However, the strategy that is best for you depends on your specific experience, your product, your team, and your finances. Keep in mind that there is no strategy to develop a product that is best for everyone

More measurement on Potato TDR circuit

This is a continuation to my recent potato chip to TDR circuit posting at http://www.epanorama.net/newepa/2018/10/16/potato-chip-to-tdr-circuit/ Here are some measurement results made with high speed oscilloscope (at shortest pulse setting and 50 ohms impedance). Blue measurement with circuit directly connected to scope and yellow wirh 10x scope probe.