Electronics Design

Top 30 Resources for Hardware Startups and Makers – Hackster Blog

https://predictabledesigns.com/top-resources-for-hardware-startups-and-makers/ Hardware startups and makers can use all the help they can get. It can be difficult, however, to find resources for developing a physical hardware product (as opposed to software). This article has a list of 30 online resources for those developing new electronic products. This article was originally published on PredictableDesigns.com and there

How to Design Your Own Custom Microcontroller Board

This is an interesting tutorial series. With it you’ll learn how to design your own custom microcontroller board. This custom 32-bit microcontroller board example is based on an Arm Cortex-M0 STM32 from ST Microelectronics. Tutorial: How to Design Your Own Custom Microcontroller Board — Part 1 https://predictabledesigns.com/tutorial-how-to-design-your-own-custom-microcontroller-board-video-part1/ Tutorial: How to Design Your Own Custom Microcontroller Board — Part 2

July 1958: Kilby Conceives the Integrated Circuit – IEEE Spectrum

https://spectrum.ieee.org/semiconductors/devices/july-1958-kilby-conceives-the-integrated-circuit In 1958, 11 years after Bell Labs reinvented the transistor, it became clear that semiconductors would be able to conquer the electronics market only if they could be greatly miniaturized. In July1958, Jack S. Kilby of Texas Instruments came up with the monolithic idea. In January 1959, Robert Noyce was to jot in his

Friday Fun: What’s All This Prank Stuff, Anyhow?

http://www.electronicdesign.com/analog/what-s-all-prank-stuff-anyhow Who says engineers don’t have a sense of humor? Remember the WOM, inspired partly by the Umac 606 phantasatron? The DEAD diode? Many of the early analog electronic greats were inveterate pranksters – and sometimes the prank made the papers and history. This article tells the story of some famous electronics design pranks.

LoRaWAN Cellular NB-IoT Power Consumption Comparison

https://www.amihotechnology.com/lorawan-cellular-nb-iot-power-consumption-comparison/ The intent of this post is not to say which technology is better or worse. But, rather to show how Cellular IoT and LoRaWAN complement each other. Battery lifetime is by far one of the most important considerations for LPWAN applications because often it is very expensive to replace batteries physically. It will ruin

Finding the right power supply technology for your design | EDN

https://www.edn.com/design/power-management/4460362/Finding-the-right-power-supply-technology-for-your-design In 2016, each person on the planet purchased an average of 111 semiconductor chips or integrated circuits. As the number of chips climbs, so does the need for greater power, space, and cost efficiency. In response, power device manufacturers have continued to evolve silicon-based technologies and develop new, wide bandgap materials such as gallium-nitride

13 Companies announce NB-IoT Chips | Creative Connectivity

http://www.nickhunn.com/13-companies-announce-nb-iot-chips/ With thirteen different companies bringing chips to market, that’s an investment of around $200 million. Add to that the costs of the standardisation process, infrastructure development and initial market trials and it’s clear that somewhere between $500 million and $1 billion has already been spent on getting NB-IoT to the point where it is

In praise of the common-base: Bench quickie | EDN

https://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/benchtalk/4460355/In-praise-of-the-common-base–Bench-quickie The common-base configuration is so little used, it doesn’t even register on many engineers’ radar. It is hard tp really learn and internalize a circuit until I have a need for it, and have done at least some small hands-on activity with it. This article describes how to test this type of circuit.