Electronics Design

Why batteries are holding up tech breakthroughs — and what’s happening now

https://thenextweb.com/contributors/2018/02/21/batteries-holding-tech-breakthroughs-whats-happening-now/ Despite incremental advancements, batteries haven’t changed all that much over the past decade. Major brands are investing in better environmental efficiency, and small tweaks that improve storage and performance, but the typical “battery” is still fundamentally the same. There is stagnation in the realm of batteries.

Build Your Own Touchscreen IC Tester for Just $25 – Hackster’s Blog

https://blog.hackster.io/build-your-own-touchscreen-ic-tester-for-just-25-7f10fab3815b IC testers help you identify an unknown IC by testing its input and output against a database of known components. You can follow Akshay Baweja’s tutorial to build your own. The total build cost should be around $25, and you’ll need a Arduino Mega 2560, a touchscreen display with an SD card slot, an

High-speed digital: 112 is the new 56 | EDN

https://www.edn.com/design/test-and-measurement/4460312/High-speed-digital–112-is-the-new-56 EDN magazine reports that at DesignCon 2018, 112 Gbps was all over the conference and exhibit hall. Even just a year ago, engineers were still talking more about 56 Gbps speeds than 112. This year, all agree that 56 Gbps speeds have been achieved. It’s time to move on. OIF-CEI 4.0, which included clauses

NRZ is dead, but not everywhere | EDN

https://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/rowe-s-and-columns/4460291/NRZ-is-dead–but-not-everywhere PAM4 modulation is everywhere. “Five years ago, PAM4 was a concept” “PAM4 is being deployed everywhere except in short-reach links.” “DSP is enabling PAM4 optical channels” PAM4 has won the battle in fiber-optic and other medium and long-reach applications.

Should I Create a Proof-of-Concept Prototype for My New Product?

https://predictabledesigns.com/faq-should-i-create-a-proof-of-concept-poc-prototype-for-my-new-product/ As the name implies, the purpose of a proof-of-concept (POC) prototype is to prove your product concept. A POC answers if a product is feasible. In most cases a POC prototype is only used internally to determine the practicality of a new product. Customers will rarely see a POC prototype. So do you need

Modular LED lamps with IoT

The lighting industry is undergoing a revolution driven by LED technology. LED is is now the dominant lighting technology for all new buildings and retrofits. Yet today, only a small percentage of LED fixtures are supplied with IoT sensors installed. It was estimated 140 million LED fixtures were expected to be distributed in the United

From Arduino Prototype to Manufacturable Product – Hackster’s Blog

https://blog.hackster.io/from-arduino-prototype-to-manufacturable-product-cbfa533a7702 Creating a prototype based on an Arduino is an excellent start to bringing a new electronic hardware product to market. The Arduino is almost an ideal platform for proving your product concept. However, there is still a lot of engineering work required to turn it into a product that can be manufactured and sold. This article tries