Electronics Design

SYZYGY – Next generation FPGA connectivity

http://syzygyfpga.io/# Open standard for high-performance peripheral connectivity SYZYGY is FPGA-agnostic and is intended to work with products from all major FPGA manufactures including Xilinx, Intel, Lattice, and Microsemi. PMOD and SYZYGY can happily coexist in the FPGA space and even on the same carrier implementations! FMC and SYZYGY can happily coexist in the FPGA space

IoT: The Interference of Things | EDN

http://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/the-emc-blog/4458714/IoT–The-Interference-of-Things?utm_content=bufferae2f7&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer The writer of this article declares that IoT stands for “Interference of Things.” Anything else you may have heard is just marketing hype. Relatively few connected gadgets will use wireline communications, the bulk of these devices will connect wirelessly over Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular or something else. Some IoT devices will be designed to limit

DC-4.0GHz RF Fixed Attenuator

RF attenuators are a universal building block within the RF design arena. I neeeded some RF attenuators for my electronics lab. I found this cheap product  DC-4.0GHz RF Fixed Attenuator from Banggood. They seemed to have pretty good specfications and features considering that the price is just slightly over 7 Euros for three attenuators: Frequency

Shield Current Induced Noise

The Rane Library has many interesting audio relaed technical documents. The most famouse of them is Note 110 Sound Systems Interconnections – it is a classic. Just few days ago I happened to look around at The Rane Library, and found some really interesting material related to audio systems and ground loops: Grounding and Shielding

The Definitive Guide to Pricing Your New Electronic Hardware Product

Ohttps://blog.hackster.io/the-definitive-guide-to-pricing-your-new-electronic-hardware-product-7305c19d2102 Setting the price for your new hardware product is one of your most important decisions. You need to get your pricing right as early as possible.  Pricing is a complex decision with many variables. If you mess this up it will be difficult to fix later. Download alsio free cheat sheet 15 Steps to Develop Your

What PCB material do I need to use for RF? | EDN

http://www.edn.com/design/analog/4398951/What-PCB-material-do-I-need-to-use-for-RF-?utm_content=buffer44212&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Is plain old FR-4 (also known as “Glass Epoxy”) PCB material suitable for use in RF designs? This question comes up time and again. Many say no, fewer say yes – who’s right? This article is from few years back, but still is valid. Besides RF applications you need to consider material with very

Chip Hall of Fame: Atmel ATmega8 – IEEE Spectrum

https://spectrum.ieee.org/semiconductors/processors/chip-hall-of-fame-atmel-atmega8 Atmel’s ATmega8 is one of the seed crystals of the modern maker movement. It’s at the heart of the first generation of the Arduino board. ATmega8 and its sibling chips such as the ATmega328P are used in current Arduino’s. The ATmega8 comes from the AVR line of microcontrollers, originally developed in the early 1990s by two students at the Norwegian University

Why Hardware Is Hard, But Easier Than Ever – Hackster’s Blog

https://blog.hackster.io/why-hardware-is-hard-but-easier-than-ever-eeca5d464726 Hardware is hard is so commonly said it has become a cliché. Yeah, you know it’s hard, but why exactly? This article discusses this in detail. Fortunately, there is good news too — developing and launching a new hardware product is easier now than it’s ever been.  Making hardware is hard because developing a hardware product encompasses multiple fields