Electronics Design

IMS 2017: RF/microwave test equipment, part 1 | EDN

http://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/rowe-s-and-columns/4458491/IMS-2017–RF-microwave-test-equipment–part-1?utm_content=buffer9eaa6&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer The IEEE International Microwave Symposium is in Honolulu, Hawaii in 2017. Here is some of the new test equipment seen by EDN staff.

Death of Moore’s Law Makes Open Hardware Possible – Hackster’s Blog

https://blog.hackster.io/death-of-moores-law-makes-open-hardware-possible-7aaad86e47bf Bunnie argued that while Moore’s Law held if you started developing a project at the point when a vendor released their silicon it would be obsolescent even before you managed to ship it.  We may well have reached the point where our computing is “good enough.” That, at least as far as computing is concerned, we’re

Inside an isolated RS-485 transceiver | EDN

http://www.edn.com/design/analog/4458434/Inside-an-isolated-RS-485-transceiver?utm_content=buffer1c35d&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Over the past decade, legislation has changed and now requires machinery and equipment operating in harsh environments to implement isolation for their data transmission systems. As a result, the trend away from legacy single-channel isolated systems to applications utilizing multi-channel isolation has led to the introduction of new isolation components. Many of these applications

Turn Any Surface Into A Touch Screen

http://www.iflscience.com/technology/this-spray-can-turn-any-surface-into-a-touch-screen/ This looks interesting. The technology, called Electrick, was developed by scientists from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania, with the findings published in an open access paper. The spray consists of an electrically conductive carbon-based material. By applying electrodes to the object, and then measuring the voltage at different points, the position of a person’s finger can

A Circuit That Sees Radiation Strikes Could Keep Errors at Bay – IEEE Spectrum

http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/semiconductors/design/a-circuit-that-sees-radiation-strikes-could-keep-errors-at-bay For a short time, it looked like the worlds electronics would be safe (well, safer) from radiation. With the switch from planar transistors to FinFETs, ICs suddenly became naturally resistant (literally) to having their bits flipped by a neutron splashing into them and blasting lose a small cloud of charge.  But two things are now

How to Save Money and Reduce Risk Developing a New Electronic Hardware Product

https://blog.hackster.io/how-to-save-money-and-reduce-risk-developing-a-new-electronic-hardware-product-1d554c5bb762 Bringing a new electronic product to market is generally difficult, risky, and expensive. To succeed, and make it to eventual profitability, you need to focus your early efforts on minimizing risk and cost. This article gives tips if you plan to go to hardware business.  Here is another related article worth to read: Let’s

Sound system interconnections and grounding

Rane Sound System Interconnection note, originally written in 1985, continues to be a very useful reference. It’s popularity stems from the continual and perpetual difficulty of hooking up audio equipment without suffering through all sorts of bizarre noises, hums, buzzes, whistles, etc.– not to mention the extreme financial, physical and psychological price. Many things have improved

Zinc Battery Breakthrough Could Mean Safer, Lighter Cars and Smartphones – IEEE Spectrum

http://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/transportation/advanced-cars/zincbased-batteries-can-provide-more-energy-safety-than-liion Rechargeable zinc-based batteries could not only store as much energy as lithium-ion batteries but also be safer, cheaper, smaller and lighter, new research finds. The results suggest zinc batteries could find use in mild hybrids (microhybrids), electric vehicles, electric bicycles, and eventually perhaps smartphones and power grid storage. The researchers are now aggressively testing these batteries and exploring scaling

Invasion of the Hardware Snatchers: Cloned Electronics Pollute the Market – IEEE Spectrum

http://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/hardware/invasion-of-the-hardware-snatchers-cloned-electronics-pollute-the-market Unlike counterfeit electronics of the past, modern clones are very sophisticated.  The counterfeiters make their own components, boards, and systems from scratch and then package them into superficially similar products. The clones may be less reliable than the genuine product, having never undergone rigorous testing. But they may also host unwanted or even malicious software, firmware,