Electronics Design

Avalanche pulse generator circuit

Pulse generator is an electronic test equipment used to generate rectangular pulses. Pulses are typically injected into a device that is under test and used as a stimulus or clock signal or analyzed as they progress through the device, confirming the proper operation of the device or pinpointing a fault in the device. Typical application

EasyEDA circuit board design

EasyEDA is an integrated tool for schematic capture, circuit simulation and PCB layout that you use with your web browser.EasyEDA homepage advertises: “EasyEDA is a free, zero-install, Web and Cloud-based EDA tool suite, integrating powerful schematic capture, mixed-mode circuit simulator and PCB layout in a seamless cross-platform browser environment, for electronic engineers, educators, students and

Long-living products defy conventional wisdom | EDN

http://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/power-points/4442739/Long-living-products-defy-conventional-wisdom?_mc=sm_edn&hootPostID=29fb0161a58f3731cf7793cb624c7d7b Some well designed high tech devices can withstand time so well that they could be in demand and being manufactured even decades… while most products might only be manufactured for few years.

Tube preamp kit FE-6J1-2.0B

A valve amplifier or tube amplifier is a type of electronic amplifier that uses vacuum tubes to increase the amplitude or power of a signal. In audio applications, valves continue to be highly desired by most professional users, particularly in recording studios’ equipment and guitar amplifiers. Among stereo enthusiasts, there is a subgroup of audio