Electronics Design

Impractical energy products flood

Crowdfunding campaigns or wide product announcements that do not make sense pops up every now and then. It seems that energy related “inventions” seems to be getting easily into the spotlight without proven merits: Hackaday article Crowdfunding Follies: Proof That Ohm’s Law Is Arcane Knowledge tells about a special cell phone case Kickstarter (Nikola Phone

The big lie about LED lighting lifetime

The great LED lightbulb rip-off: One in four expensive ‘long-life’ bulbs doesn’t last anything like as long as the makers claim article tells that many energy-efficient LED light bulbs failed before their advertised lifespan, tests have found. Disappointing result comes despite claims of them lasting 25,000 hours.  The consumer watchdog and European partners tested five samples of

Distance measurement techniques

So, you want to measure the shape of an object, perform a 3D surface scan or conduct surface metrology tests. Google tells us there are many measurement methods to achieve these goals. Problem is, which one’s best for you? Non-Contact Distance Measurement Technologies article is a god overview to the non-contact measurement sensor technologies –