Electronics Design

Android engineering apps

CFE Media’s Apps for Engineers is an an interactive directory of almost 60 engineering-related Android applications that were created by various companies. The idea is to offer a “pre-sort” of relevant mobile engineering applications loaded with various calculators, catalogs, file viewers, measurement tools, and more. Apps for Engineers is targeted for engineers working in industrial,

Searching for innovation

Innovation is about finding a better way of doing something. Like many of the new development buzzwords (which many of them are over-used on many business documents), the concept of innovation originates from the world of business. It refers to the generation of new products through the process of creative entrepreneurship, putting it into production,

Interesting Analog Design Kits

I have read more than year ago (2012) interesting articles about Digilent‘s Analog Discovery Kit. I even quickly tried the WaveForms Software the cames with it (freely available and testable without hardware). It looked interesting, but I decided that maybe I don’t at the moment need this and skipped it (I did not even write

PC microphone introduction

Computer microphones: Interfacing Microphones to Computer Sound Cards is a nice compact document on interfacing different microphones to PC sound cards. It starts with the same basics as I covered on my electret mic interfacing document an continues with some more sound card interfacing details (including some stereo mics on some sound card). The document

How LEDs are Made

Sparkfun has pretty interesting to look at article How LEDs are Made. How LEDs are Made factory tour article shows how LED supplier YunSun (Shenzhen China) makes LEDs. YunSun buys their LED dies from Taiwanese company (thin sheets contains thousands of LED dies). LED wire bonding machine attaches a hair-thin gold wire from the top


I mentioned Fritzing two years ago and now I find coming back to use this software. Fritzing is an open source software initiative that was to support designers and artists ready to move from physical prototyping to actual product. Today Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative that makes electronics accessible as a creative material for