Electronics Design

RC filter design tools

When I was designing the measurement circuit used in my How to measure smartphone power usage posting, I needed to design a RC low pass filter to it. I could have picked an electronics book and formulas in it, but instead of manual calculation I used Google to find a tool for that on-line. There

50 Billion ARM Chips

A few weeks ago ARM celebrated its partners shipping over 10 billion ARM based chips in 2013. The bigger story was that the 10 billion in 2013 brought the cumulative total for ARM based processors to over 50 billion. Anandtek has nice articles where did those ARM processors go and how ARM business model works.

Embedded Experience Blog

Embedded Experience Blog is a blog worth to check out. It talks about all aspects of Embedded Systems: technology news, hacking projects, popular electronics, industry trends, reviews, and forecasts, etc. You can find it at http://embeddedexperience.blogspot.fi/. The writer is Chief Technology Officer of Espotel, a company that design embedded solutions for other companies.  

MobilECG goes open source

Few days ago Hackaday reported that after a failed Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, MobilECG has gone open source. MobilECG is a medical grade 12 lead electrocardiograph that connects to USB port. It is designed to meet all the relevant medical standards (ISO 60601-1, etc.). It was designed to work with PCs, notebooks, and Android tablets. Records

The Rise, Fall, and Rise of Electronics Kits

The Rise, Fall, and Rise of Electronics Kits is an interesting article mentions that many older engineers first became interested in electronics through hobbies in their youth—assembling kits, participating in amateur radio, or engaging in other experiments. The 1970s and 1980s were great times for electronics hobbyists. But whenever it seems that there’s nothing left

Electronics trends for 2014

The Internet of Everything is coming. The Internet is expanding into enterprise assets and consumer items such as cars and televisions. Very many electronics devices needs to be designed for this in mind. The Internet of Things (IoT) will evolve into the Web of Things, increasing the coordination between things in the real world and

A better way to use datasheets?

A better way to use datasheets than old-fashioned paper and pdf documents lying around? Hack Your Datasheets Using Datasheet.net article tells about a new service to view, snip, annotate and share information from millions of datasheets with engineers around the world. Take a look the datasheet.net introduction video: The biggest feature the datasheet.net service brings