Electronics Design


Netduino is an interesting dev board built around the .NET Micro framework with the goal of being compatible with Arduino shields. Netduino is an open source hardware platform that can run .NET Micro Framework 4.2 code. The Netduino is a dev board built around the .NET Micro framework with the goal of being compatible with

Open 7400 Logic Competition

The Open 7400 Logic Competition has brought awareness to open hardware and software, and fosters understanding of the building blocks of modern integrated circuits. What can you build with basic logic chips? 7400 Logic Competition winners are announced According to competition results page all the entries were amazing! There are quite a few of them.

PCB material for RF

Is plain old FR-4 PCB material suitable for use in RF designs? Many say no, fewer say yes – who’s right? What PCB material do I need to use for RF? article tries to answer this question. It says that FR-4 can be suitable for many RF designs. This is not to say that FR-4

PCB grounding

Board-level designers often have concerns about the proper way to handle grounding for integrated circuits (ICs) which have separate analog and digital grounds. Should the two be completely separate and never touch? Should they connect at a single point with cuts in the ground plane to enforce this single point or “Mecca” ground? How can

DIY logic analyzers

In Internet there seems to be many plans for DIY logic analyzers: Open source logic analyzer OpenBench Logic Sniffer Openbench Logic Sniffer SUMP FPGA Based Logic Analyzer FLASH – PLAICE: Programmer, Logic Analyzer and In-Circuit Emulator Project A logic analyzer using the PC’s parallel port A logic analyzer using the PC’s parallel port MiniLA –

Low-Cost Logic Analyzers

Logic analyzer is a very useful tool for embedded system debugging. In many embedded-system magazines and on Web sites you’ll see advertisements for instrument “boxes” or pods that connect to a PC through a USB port. These devices capture digital and analogue signals that a host PC displays in a standard scope or logic-analyzer format.