Electronics Design

Circuit inside LED tube

Chipshow’s LED tube page gives some views what LED tubes look like. As you can see there are many LEDs inside a LED tube. The most economical way to run sich LEDs from mains power is to connect many LEDs in series and then use some current limiting circuit to set the drive current right

LED tubes

The idea if replacing fluorescent light bulbs with LEDs seems to become popular. There are different kind of products made for that purpose. LED bulbs utilizes large arrays of high power LEDs to provide up to provide light. They are at best an economical way to replace commonly used fluorescent tubes. Since introducing LED based

Spy tools

Toolkit: A Look at the Gear That Experts Use to Spy on Spies is an interesting article. Kevin Murray heads one of the most sophisticated surveillance-detection firms according to the article. Wired asked Murray about the bevy of gizmos he and his staff use to sniff out corporate espionage.

Free energy batteries?

Oh, batteries. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em. Then I saw some news on this field. Potatoes May Power The Batteries Of The Future article tells about a potato powered battery. It promises to be simple, sustainable, robust device can potentially provide an immediate inexpensive solution to electricity needs in parts of the

Power line networking problems

Power-line networking has been increasing in popularity at some areas but the success does not become without problem. Power line tech could crash aircraft and shut down the Archers article says that an extensive study commissioned by Ofcom concludes that power line networking could crash airplanes and block Radio 4 in UK. According to the

Mag-stripe readers

iPhone mag-stripe reader stalled article tells that Square, the expected to be breakthrough business launched by twitter-founder Jack Dorsey, won’t be shipping as scheduled. Interesting is that Square was just a magnetic-stripe reader, and that there were a dozen credit card-processing applications on the iPhone. Only this time, it comes with a plastic lump that

Neutral wire grounding

An ungrounded system is one in which there is no intentional connection between the system conductors and earth. When the neutral of the system is not grounded, it is possible for high voltages to appear from line to ground during normal switching of a circuit having a line to ground fault. These voltages may cause

Scope and ground loops

Differential Scope Primer is a good introduction to oscillospe measurement. This web posting is a shortened version of the information on that document related to ground loops. I have also added here some of my own comments. Most oscilloscopes are designed to measure voltages that are referenced to earth ground, which is connected to the