Embedded Development

Apple co-founder Wozniak: Motivation is more important than knowledge

http://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/12/apple-co-founder-wozniak-motivation-is-more-important-than-knowledge.html The most important ingredient to becoming successful is having motivation, says Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. “If somebody is motivated and wants to do something, wanting — it’s emotional. That’s the person that is probably going to go out and find a way to actually get it done.” The Internet has made it possible for anyone with the

How to Write a Secure Code in C/C++ Programming Languages

https://pentestmag.com/write-secure-code-cc-programming-languages/ Secure coding in C/C++ programming languages is a big deal. The two languages, which are commonly used in a multitude of applications and operating systems, are popular, flexible, and versatile – and often vulnerable to exploitation. Sometimes the solution is to code using a safer language like Java. However, this is not always the

How to Save Money and Reduce Risk Developing a New Electronic Hardware Product

https://blog.hackster.io/how-to-save-money-and-reduce-risk-developing-a-new-electronic-hardware-product-1d554c5bb762 Bringing a new electronic product to market is generally difficult, risky, and expensive. To succeed, and make it to eventual profitability, you need to focus your early efforts on minimizing risk and cost. This article gives tips if you plan to go to hardware business.  Here is another related article worth to read: Let’s

Converting traditional sysV init scripts to systemd

https://www.redhat.com/en/about/blog/converting-traditional-sysv-init-scripts-red-hat-enterprise-linux-7-systemd-unit-files?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY There is trend with many Linux distributions that old well known init system is replaced with systemd. It very different system that uses different techniques and scripts. This article gives tips how to convert a SysV init script to a systemd unit file.  It is useful to know how to use both systems, because everything will not

ARM Releases Machine Readable Architecture Specification

https://alastairreid.github.io/alastairreid.github.io/ARM-v8a-xml-release/ The companies that design processors all provide specifications of their products. These specifications are usually in the form of books or PDF documents.  It is then up to diligent engineers and academics around the world to read those documents and transcribe the relevant parts into computer languages such as C, C++, Verilog, O’Caml, Coq,

Using the Raspberry Pi as a Microcontroller

https://opensource.com/life/16/3/how-configure-raspberry-pi-microcontroller?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY Pi or Arduino? They’re both small, they’re both powerful, and they both get used in electronics hobby projects, but the Raspberry Pi is not an Arduino. However, the Pi can do a pretty good job of acting the part in a pinch. That said, don’t be afraid of trying the Arduino if you haven’t

Embedded Systems Safety & Security Survey

Information security issues are in this Internet of Things era very important for embedded systems developers. You need information from many sources, and one valuable information source are surveys made by differet companies. For the third year in a row, Barr Group has conducted its annual Embedded Systems Safety & Security Survey of embedded systems designers in