Embedded Development

ESP8285 WiFi chip

Expressif has released a new WiFi chip. It is not that interesting ESP32 that I have written about earlier, and should be available soon. The new ESP8285 went into mass production in March. Hackaday article describes it as ESP8266-Killer, but I I think that this kind of headline is clickbaiting. What could possible make it

WS2812 addressable LEDs test

RGB LEDs are awesome – especially the new, fancy ones with the WS2812 RGB LED driver. These LEDs can be individually controlled to display red, green, and blue, but interfacing them with a microcontroller or computer. To test controlling WS2812 RGB LEDs I bought a cheap addressable LED strip. An addressable RGB LED strip is


Using JavaScript is a new approach for embedded development, especially with node.js platform. But there are also other interesting JavaScript platforms worth to check out. I read about Finnish developed the open source “duct tape” and thought to check that out: Duktape is an embeddable Javascript engine, with a focus on portability and compact footprint.

New Finnish high tech magazine with articles written my me

Finland has received a new technology trade magazine focusing on developing new technology: Uusi Teknologia (=new technology).  Uusi Teknologia magazine’s first issue devoted to IoT solutions, industrial, internet security and future 5G mobile solutions as well as intelligent interactive textiles. Also included are high-end oscilloscopes and a new ways to program embedded systems. The magazine

New approaches for embedded development

The idea for this posting started when I read New approaches to dominate in embedded development article. Then I found some ther related articles and here is the result: long article. Embedded devices, or embedded systems, are specialized computer systems that constitute components of larger electromechanical systems with which they interface. The advent of low-cost