Embedded Development

AI/ML in microcontrollers

Zach Shelby from ARM tells in this article that we can already run meaningful machine learning inference on Cortex-M equivalent microcontroller hardware. How we can utilize that in our future hacks? https://blog.hackster.io/embedded-ml-for-all-developers-1f000ccdaddd I saw Zach Shelby few months ago telling how to do that in conference, tried one demo myself and talked him in person.

Machine learning possible on microcontrollers

ARM’s Zach Shelby introduced the use of microcontrollers for machine learning and artificial intelligence at the ECF19 event in Helsinki on last Friday. The talk showed that that artificial intelligence and machine learning can be applied to small embedded devices in addition to the cloud-based model. In particular, artificial intelligence is well suited to the

How the Boeing 737 Max Disaster Looks to a Software Developer – IEEE Spectrum

https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/how-the-boeing-737-max-disaster-looks-to-a-software-developer The Boeing 737 Max has been in the news because of two crashes, practically back to back and involving brand new airplanes. “Everything about the design and manufacture of the Max was done to preserve the myth that ‘it’s just a 737.’ Recertifying it as a new aircraft would have taken years and millions

Scott Shawcroft Is Squeezing Python Into Microcontrollers – IEEE Spectrum

https://spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/tech-careers/scott-shawcroft-is-squeezing-python-into-microcontrollers Python is one of the most popular programming languages that has good domination of the desktop and the cloud. Two camps—MicroPython and CircuitPython—are working on hardware-centered versions of the interpreted language for embedded projects such as microcontroller-based gadgets. CircuitPython’s development is spearheaded by Scott Shawcroft, of the open-source hardware company Adafruit Industries. Shawcroft started

Update Putty

PuTTY is one of most used open-source client-side programs to remotely access computers over secure SSH network protocol from Windows workstations. I use it very often to connect to embedded Linux devices and Linux servers. Based on latest news it might be now a very good idea to update it to latest version 0.71: PuTTY

Circular buffer for embedded systems – Overlay Technology

https://overlay.technology/circular-buffer-for-embedded-systems/ The circular buffer behaviour is ideal for implementing any data structure that is statically allocated and behaves like FIFO. As an example, mailboxes and queues can be implemented using the circular buffer as a kernel. This post is part of the Memory Control Structures series. Also, read the other posts in the series…