Embedded Development

Postage-Stamp Linux Board

EEJournal reports that Microchip’s new SAMA5D27 is almost a postage stamp that runs Linux. It is a fully realized microcontroller module that measures about 40mm on a side. It costs about $39 in small quantities. I wrote about this board in Finnish to Uusiteknogia.fi magazine.

From Arduino Prototype to Manufacturable Product – Hackster’s Blog

https://blog.hackster.io/from-arduino-prototype-to-manufacturable-product-cbfa533a7702 Creating a prototype based on an Arduino is an excellent start to bringing a new electronic hardware product to market. The Arduino is almost an ideal platform for proving your product concept. However, there is still a lot of engineering work required to turn it into a product that can be manufactured and sold. This article tries

The Amazing $1 Microcontroller – Jay Carlson

https://jaycarlson.net/microcontrollers/ In 2017, we saw several new MCUs hit the market, as well as general trends continuing in the industry: the migration to open-source, cross-platform development environments and toolchains; new code-generator tools that integrate seamlessly (or not so seamlessly…) into IDEs; and, most notably, the continued invasion of ARM Cortex-M0+ parts into the 8-bit space.

To Secure the Internet of Things, We Must Build It Out of “Patchable” Hardware – IEEE Spectrum

https://spectrum.ieee.org/telecom/security/to-secure-the-internet-of-things-we-must-build-it-out-of-patchable-hardware  For several years now, the number of things connected to the Internet—including phones, smart watches, fitness trackers, home thermostats, and various sensors—has exceeded the human population.   For the most part, this development promises great excitement and opportunity for engineers and society at large. But there is a dark cloud hanging over the IoT: the

Ten Years of the LilyPad Arduino

https://blog.hackster.io/ten-years-of-the-lilypad-arduino-2f5a949f76d2  The LilyPad Arduino was designed for e-textiles and wearables projects. It along with an accompanying collection of power supplies, sensors, and actuators share unique design with large conductive sew tabs around the edges. These allow the boards to be sewn onto fabrics, and soft surfaces, using conductive thread to build working circuits. Essentially it’s a specially

A chat with the creators of Arduino | TechCrunch

https://techcrunch.com/2017/10/09/a-chat-with-the-creators-of-arduino/?ncid=rss&utm_source=tcfbpage&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29&utm_content=FaceBook&sr_share=facebook  They’ve essentially created a world in which anyone can make amazing hardware - Technotopia talked to Massimo Banzi and Fabio Violante, the co-creators of Arduino. 

Android users rejoice! Linux kernel LTS releases are now good for 6 years | Ars Technica

https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/09/android-users-rejoice-linux-kernel-lts-releases-are-now-good-for-6-years/ The free and open source Linux kernel powers most of the devices around us. It’s not only present in computers and servers, in Android devices, the Internet of things, and almost anything else you can call “smart.” A major change in the maintenance lifecycle of Linux kernels is coming for good. During a Linaro