
LUMI supercomputer

New European supercomputer is inaugurated in Finland. LUMI is the fastest and most energy-efficient supercomputer in Europe, ranked also the third fastest in the world. It will have an expected peak performance of 550 petaflops (550 million billion calculations per second) while being fully powered by renewable energy: LUMI uses natural cooling systems and its

Finnish Christmas traditions

Finnish Christmas traditions explained How did Santa Claus become a resident of Finland? Why don’t Finns sauna after dark on Christmas Eve? We take a deep dive into uniquely Finnish Christmas traditions.

Soda bottle and beer can recycling

CIRCULAR ECONOMY SUCCESS: FINLAND’S RECYCLING PROGRAMME KEEPS BOTTLES AND CANS OFF THE STREETS We see how Finland’s deposit system for bottles and cans achieves a recycling rate of more than 90 percent, and how city administrators and event organisers supplement the system with their own resourceful programmes. Finland’s system for returning beverage containers started

Radio amateurs 100 years in Finland

Last week, Finnish Broadcasting Corporation celebrated its 95th anniversary, and this week a hundred Finnish radio amateurs celebrate 100 years. Finnish radio amateurs have played a significant role in the development of broadcasting and Nokia. In honor of the radio amateurs, the flag is raised to pole in on Wednesday, September 15, 2021. SRAL amateur

HKL Bluetooth beacons and API

I have wondered what the mysterious candy-box-like boxes that have appeared on bus stop signs in Helsinki Finland. HSL has installed at a total of about 1700 of this kind of boxes to bus and tram stops, as well as on buses and trams. They are also coming to metro stations. These small boxed are

Telephone cables start to dissappear

Old telephone cables are being pulled from the ground to make room for new fiber optic cables in Helsinki Finland. Bye bye PSTN. According to plans they will be gone in few years. Here they are pulling out the old telephone cable. Freshly pulled out “filled liquorice”. Old telephone wires to carry PSTN, ADSL and

Wooden satellite from Finland

World’s first wooden satellite slated for launch in Finland. UPM Plywood, Arctic Astronautics and Huld announce today a joint mission to launch the first ever wooden satellite, WISA Woodsat, into Earth’s orbit by the end of 2021. The satellite electronics is mostly based on Kitsat that is a fully functional one unit CubeSat (roughly 10

Electronics shops in Helsinki and near Helsinki in Finland

Electronics component shop are dying. My nearest electronics component shop Yleiselektroniikka in Espoo Finland at Luomannotko 6 just closed it’s shop few weeks ago. They still sells online. The remaining shops are much smaller and much farther away on other nearby cities (Helsinki and Espoo). The way seems to be now to return to mail