
Blog advertising

Blog Advertising has been a hot topic for some years. Online advertising offers three primary types of ads bloggers can use to make money from their blogs: Pay-per-click, Pay-per-impression and Pay-per-action. In addition to those classic web advertising some bloggers can get some compensation on writing for example review of product (free products to review

Tietoturva nyt! 2013 – data security now

Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority Viestintävirasto had a Tietoturva nyt! 2013 security seminar two weeks ago. Viestintävirasto has now published the seminar presentations. Most of the presentations are in Finnish, but there are also four presentations in English. If networking and cyber security interests you those are worth to check.

Jolla Sailfish OS smartphone

I have written earlier on new Finnish mobile phone company Jolla at my Two new mobile phone companies from Finland and Mobile trends and predictions for 2013 articles. Jolla announces its first Sailfish OS smartphone which will be available in Europe by the end of 2013. The first Jolla phone: 4.5-inch display, Android app compliant,

The Fastest-Growing Game Company Ever?

Finnish mobile game company Supercell has been on news lately with following kind of headlines: Supercell raises another round of funding at $130M on a valuation of $770M, sees revenues of $2.4M a day. The latest flow of news started when Forbes praises this Finnish game company in Is This The Fastest-Growing Game Company Ever?

Finland is number one ICT country

Tietoviikko reports that Finland (my home country) is the world’s best IT country according to World Economic Forum study The Global Information Technology Report 2013. According to the study, Finland is the world’s number one country when it comes to the economy’s ability to use information technology to competitiveness and prosperity. Finland has toppled Sweden

Tietokone Magazine

When Prosessori magazine ended last year I started writing articles to Tietokone magazine (press info). Actually I had earlier written some articles and news to web site. Now I write to Tietokone magazine more often. The magazine has published several articles already this year. Promo box

Avaruusrekka (space truck)

I saw Avaruusrekka when driving by it in Espoo. I had to stop and see briefly what was going on. Avaruusrekka is a space exhibition on wheel that is moving around Finland just now (stops at eight locations from 3 to 17. October 2012). Next stops are in Helsinki and on weekend the truck is