Friday Art: Ruska relief: 35 stunning photos of Finland’s autumn colors → → The digital world is littered with one-hit wonders — companies that tried to turn a single successful brand into a big-time business only to be eclipsed by changing technology and consumer tastes. The maker of Angry Birds, Rovio Entertainment, hopes to defy that trend. Rovio found success in a smartphone game Angry Birds. Rovio helped →
I have written several postings on SOLU computer that aimed to reinvent personal computer. Solu Machines, founded in 2014, was developing a Solu computer it claimed to be revolutionary. I did report about it that because it looked interesting and I happen to know the person behind this vision. At least what they did was → Kristoffer Lawson created Solu, the social computer. His tiny device uses a unique UI and UX to allow you to connect with friends and collaborate using an icon-based OS that lets you zoom in and out of work. Lawson speaks about the future of computing and how his ideas – and the ideas of other → In this article famous Finnish signal hacker Oona describes method to read gramophone record audio from photograph of record (in this case tiny record from old toy). Interesting.. The results (see video below, or mp3 here): → A vaccine for type 1 diabetes developed by Finnish researchers will be tested on mainly Finnish human subjects in late 2018. A virus may be behind a significant proportion of type 1 diabetes cases, which are especially common among children. Researchers are confident that an enterovirus that attacks the pancreas to destroy insulin-producing cells is → This funny article claims that there are upsides even in bad summer weather. → Excessive banning is not exclusively a Finnish phenomenon, but what is astounding, is our ferocity in enforcing our regulations. No matter how silly, we take them seriously. Don´t believe us? Check out a list of funny things somebody somewhere in Finland wanted to ban. → In a recent publication, Aalto University researchers show that in a transparent medium each photon is accompanied by an atomic mass density wave. The novel discovery solves the centennial momentum paradox of light. If this theoretical finding is proven true with experiments, it can affect our understanding of universe: “Presently the Hubble’s law is explained → Finland heads the charts in European venture capital investments in startup and early stage growth companies as percentage of GDP between 2012 and 2016. In 2016, Finnish startup and early stage growth companies raised the second highest amount of venture capital funding in Europe when looking at investments as percentage of GDP. →