HTML 5.0 and 5.1

HTML 5 specification might get ready (up to certain point at least) in few years if we are are lucky. W3C reveals plan to finish HTML5 and HTML 5.1 article tells that the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) says it’s still on track to release the final HTML5 specification in 2014. The plan (not yet officially

JavaScript tools for the HTML5 generation

17 JavaScript tools for the HTML5 generation article has an interesting list of useful tools. Look beyond jQuery and you’ll find a wealth of JavaScript libraries tuned for mobile devices, Canvas-based animation, HTML5 video, local databases, and more. I have also seen some other interesting looking tools that seem to be something that could be

HTML5 Canvas Experiments

Let’s take a peek at some of the latest, cutting edge HTML5 Canvas examples out there. 21 Ridiculously Impressive HTML5 Canvas Experiments article has a collection of some ridiculously impressive HTML5 canvas-based experiments that will make you say, “Wow!” Check also HTML5, JavaScript and Canvas – Conway’s Game of Life.


With tech companies abandoning the proprietary Flash and Silverlight media players for HTML5, it was inevitable somebody would try to inject DRM into the virgin spec. Who’s adding DRM to HTML5? Microsoft, Google and Netflix article tells that Microsoft, Google and Netflix are that “somebody”, having submitted a proposed modification to HTML5 to the World

Decide Which Parts of HTML5 and CSS 3 to Use

HTML5 is clearly the way to do web development today. Microsoft: The Web is better without plug-ins article tells that Microsoft began distancing itself from browser plug-ins last year starting with Internet Explorer on Windows 8′s Metro interface. Microsoft just said few days ago clearly: plug-ins are bad for the Web. Also Adobe is being

Websocket getting ready for use

Websocket is a promising technology for more advanced web applications. Websocket allows to make a continuous two-way connection between the application software running on web browser the software running on server. WebSocket represents the next evolutionary step in web communication compared to Comet and Ajax. The WebSocket standard (when it gets ready and widely supported)

HTML5 has won Flash on mobile

It seem that HTML5 has won Flash on mobile devices and Adobe recognizes it. Adobe ceases development on mobile browser Flash, refocuses efforts on HTML5. HTML5 is now universally supported on major mobile devices, in some cases exclusively. This makes HTML5 the best solution for creating and deploying content in the browser across mobile platforms.

New HTML5 logo

The Worldwide Web Consortium has unveiled its HTML5 logo. W3C promotes HTML5 with new logo. Here is the HTML5 logo: The irony is that the logo is meant to clear up confusion over the HTML5 moniker. And much like Apple, Google, and Microsoft before it, the organization that oversees HTML5 has confused it with all

Canvas Pad

The <canvas> element is a part of the HTML5 Standards specification and allows for dynamic scriptable rendering of 2D graphics. Canvas Pad demo allows you to play with the Canvas element! Update the provided example source code in your browser and press the ‘Ctrl+Enter’ key to update the Canvas real-time! The demo page is made

Microdata: HTML5’s Best-Kept Secret?

Have you never heard of the new microdata specification included in HTML5. I once read about it, but almost forgot it. But the Microdata: HTML5’s Best-Kept Secret article made me to remember this topic again. Similar to outside efforts like Microformats, HTML5’s microdata offers a way of extend HTML by adding custom vocabularies to your