Linux Foundation launches the Open-source EdgeX Foundry for IoT standardisation Security is the Achilles heel of the Internet of Things, according to Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols on ZDNet. The lack of common IoT development standards is part of this problem. This is why the Linux Foundation, along with 50 companies, has announced The EdgeX Foundry. The group will build a common open framework for IoT

IoT goes nuclear: creating a ZigBee chain reaction | the morning paper The popular Philips Hue smart lamps use ZigBee for example. Suppose you could build a worm that jumps directly from one lamp to another using their ZigBee wireless connectivity and their physical proximity. If the install base of lamps in a city is sufficiently dense, you could take them all over in no time,

The top 7 Linux IoT projects | Network World It’s a Linux world, and the rest of computing is just living in it. IoT is no exception. The Linux Foundation lists these seven projects as the key players in the march of connected open-source systems. This article is a quick rundown on them.

Want 5G? It’s going to take an IP anyhaul overhaul | EDN

Want 5G? It’s going to take an IP anyhaul overhaul | EDN–It-s-going-to-take-an-IP-anyhaul-overhaul?utm_content=bufferecb1e&utm_medium=social& Much of the ongoing discussion around 5G is focused on use cases: wireless broadband to the home, in-vehicle infotainment, immersive event experiences, truck platooning, remote health care, smart cities and smart factories to name a few. Mobile networks and cloud packet core

A Field of Lavender Nourished by Trump’s Tweets This is a strange kind of IoT agriculture project: A subterranean field of lavender, planted by Martin Roth in Midtown Manhattan, is nurtured by lights that are largely controlled by the President’s tweets. The urban garden was installed by artist Martin Roth for his exhibition. It carries a literal title: In May 2017 I cultivated a piece of

Industrial IoT seminar – Nohau Solutions

I visited today NOHAU seminar on industrial IoT and security related to it. The seminar content was in mixed Finnish and English language: Seminaari: Varaudu kyberhyökkäyksiin – Miten liität sulautetun laitteen turvallisesti internettiin? Ohjelma: 8.30   Aamupala ja rekisteröinti (breakfast and registration) 8:45   Tervetuloa – Nohau (wellcome) 9:00   Teollisen internetin businessmahdollisuudet, Jukka Nurmi, Director, IoT

EU security think tank ENISA looks for IoT security, can’t find any • The Register European network and infosec agency ENISA has taken a look at Internet of Things security, and doesn’t much like what it sees. So it’s mulling a vendor’s nightmare that the US and UK dared not approach: security regulation – at least the minimal regulation of testing and certification. IoT security needs bottom-to-top baseline requirements,