How to Save Money and Reduce Risk Developing a New Electronic Hardware Product Bringing a new electronic product to market is generally difficult, risky, and expensive. To succeed, and make it to eventual profitability, you need to focus your early efforts on minimizing risk and cost. This article gives tips if you plan to go to hardware business.  Here is another related article worth to read: Let’s

Smart Contact Lens Detects Diabetes and Glaucoma – IEEE Spectrum In research described in the journal Nature Communications, the UNIST researchers used graphene-nanowire hybrid films to serve as conducting, transparent, and stretchable electrodes.  Both the graphene and the silver nanowires contribute indispensible properties. This contact lens should be able to pick up indictors for intraocular pressure, diabetes mellitus, and other health conditions, according to the researchers. Add

Building Services with BLE Beacons – Solinor Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons are small, typically battery powered, devices that periodically broadcast an identifier to their surroundings. They are an inexpensive way to make applications aware of their surroundings. With beacons no user action is required for an application to obtain the proximity information. When a smartphone enters the range of a beacon,

Mongoose OS Now Part of Hackster Apps – Hackster’s Blog An open source IoT operating system that looks interesting. Mongoose OS is an open source operating system for the IoT. With Mongoose OS, setup is fairly straightforward and takes just few minutes. Prototyping can be done in JavaScript, and you can use real microcontrollers for your projects (such as ESP8266, ESP32 or TI CC3200),

7 considerations to make when securing your Raspberry Pi  This article tries to get you thinking of security at an appropriate level for your Raspberry Pi and IoT projects without scaring you away from playing, experimenting, and innovating. It’s about striking a balance. Don’t let a challenge stop you from trying. Just be aware of the big picture for securing your projects.

Using a supercapacitor for power management and energy storage in IoT–Part-1 The environment has abundant energy but little power. Energy harvesting can tap the environment’s “infinite” source of energy, and avoids the cost of wiring to mains power or replacing of batteries. This article will look at using small solar cells.  Depending on the light level, whether indoors or out, small solar cells may deliver

IoTuesday: Maximize Your WiFi! Interesting looking project: mount the antenna and ESP8266 Thing Dev Board onto a pan/tilt bracket with some servos. The ESP8266 code was updated to connect to a WiFi access point (AP) and begin sweeping up and down (about 70°) and left to right (about 180°). At 5° increments, the ESP8266 would take an RSSI reading. Finally the antenna automatically returns