Hackster’s Top 50 (Or So) Projects From 2016
https://blog.hackster.io/hacksters-top-50-or-so-projects-from-2016-2d69de57b3c7#.dswqmr119 Here is a collection of interesting looking projects from 2016. →
https://blog.hackster.io/hacksters-top-50-or-so-projects-from-2016-2d69de57b3c7#.dswqmr119 Here is a collection of interesting looking projects from 2016. →
According to Intel IoT is expected to be a multi-trillion-dollar market, with 50 billion devices creating 44 zettabytes (or 44 trillion gigabytes) of data annually by 2020. But that widely cited 50 billion IoT devices in 2020 number is clearly not correct! Forecast of 50 Billion Devices by 2020 Is Outdated. In 2017 we should →
http://www.somersetrecon.com/blog/2016/10/14/electronic-safe-lock-analysis-part-2- Analysis of one unsafe BLE IoT lock system. What went wrong and how it should have been designed. →
https://blog.arduino.cc/2016/12/22/control-this-ohio-homes-christmas-lights-over-the-internet/ As seen on Good Morning America, Hammond recently put up a Christmas display that can be controlled via a simple online interface between the hours of 5pm and midnight (EST). The setup consists of an Arduino Mega along with a Raspberry Pi running Falcon Player, while the animations were created using xLights. Ohio Man Lets the Internet Control His Home’s Christmas Lights →
https://fossbytes.com/rakos-botnet-back-infect-linux-servers-iot-devices/ In addition to Mirai botnets, there is also Rakos botnet. →
https://www.riverbed.com/blogs/software-defined-networking-using-simple-voice-commands.html This interesting demo uses Alexa voice commands to control networking and server system. Almost like in movies… →
Amazon released in November 2016 a new AWS Greengrass service, which will expand Amazon’s reach in the direction of the cloud services to fog computing systems. AWS Green Grass allows the same IoT applications driving the cloud and locally embedded devices. Greengrass expands Amazon’s cloud services so that devices connected to the cloud can make →
http://ipv6tree.bitnet.be/ This is a Christmas tree with IoT connected lights in it. Anyone with IPv6 Internet connection can control the lights with “ping” packet. The results are streamed to YouTube. →
https://developers.googleblog.com/2016/12/announcing-googles-new-internet-of-things-platform-with-weave-and-android-things.html?m=1 New IoT from Google. →
http://electronicsofthings.com/expert-opinion/interoperability-cyber-security-roi-keep-factories-thinking-iiot/?utm_source=eotpage&utm_medium=eotpage&utm_campaign=eotpage&utm_content=eotposts →