India Upgrades to Smart Meters with IoT to Outsmart Old E-Meters – Internet Of Things | IoT India Smart electrical meters are installed and being installed all over the world with using different technologies. Now India is working on very modern IoT meters.

Internet Of Things “DIY” Door Sensor This is a home automation IoT door sensor project based on ESP8266 NodeMcu module. This IoT device sends notification to your smart phone when door changes state (opens or closes). This could be useful for other applications also  - for example connect to some alarm sensor…

Five Plug and Play IoT Devices For Your Smarthome IoT devices open up billions of possibilities in the creation of intelligent technology that can change the world as we know it. This article takes a look at a few of them for us to analyse the various aspects that helps us realize smart home with technologies available today.      

DDoS Attack Halts Heating in Finland Amidst Winter

Finland seems to be in new due recent house automation IoT security incidents. Slashdot tells that DDoS Attack Halts Heating in Finland Amidst Winter. article DDoS attack halts heating in Finland amidst winter tells that a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack halted heating distribution at least in two properties in the city of