MITRE will award $50,000 for a solution that detects rogue IoT Devices → → →
How to hack a security CCTV camera (video) article at talks on issue on IoT device hacking. This video shows how bad IoT CCTV camera security really is. It also tells about Android security. Security cameras are a fine value addition to the security apparatus because they offer irrefutable proof of people in the → Hardware security is needed in IIoT according to Maxim. → Some nice IoT examples with Microsoft technologies. → Interesting looking IoT operating system. → Rogue insecure IoT devices can become a huge issue in the future of Internet. → Report from Linux security summit. Many security practices on modern devices are stick 90′s practices. There are improvements Linux kernel planned… but how can we convince IoT gadget makers to do their part in security puzzle? Linux kernel is not the only part that needs rethinking. → If this prediction will hold true, there will be lot of work for converting embedded developers to IoT experts that understand security. Otherwise this prediction will fail big time with IoT bubble bursting. → This article tells about utopia that is being built by marketers around possibilities of smart cities IoT and 5G connectivity. Are is markerimg building up utopia with too many too high promises? →