Eclipse Foundation Releases IoT Projects: the universal frameworks for IoT apps | Open Electronics Eclipse Foundation announced the release of a number of Internet of Things projects. These include: Eclipse Kura (a framework for building IoT gateways); Eclipse Paho (implementations of MQTT protocols); Eclipse OM2M (an open source implementation of the SmartM2M and oneM2M standard) and Eclipse SmartHome (an open source framework for building smart home solutions). The Eclipse Kura 2.0 provides a way

ESP8285 WiFi chip

Expressif has released a new WiFi chip. It is not that interesting ESP32 that I have written about earlier, and should be available soon. The new ESP8285 went into mass production in March. Hackaday article describes it as ESP8266-Killer, but I I think that this kind of headline is clickbaiting. What could possible make it

BBC micro:bit dev board

Last year BBC introduced Micro:bit development board  Intended to allow children to get creative with technology. The Micro:bit is one of the cornerstones of the BBC’s “Make it Digital” campaign. With Micro:bit BBC tries to get a million preteens into embedded development world as Micro:bit will be given to every 11 or 12 year old child


Using JavaScript is a new approach for embedded development, especially with node.js platform. But there are also other interesting JavaScript platforms worth to check out. I read about Finnish developed the open source “duct tape” and thought to check that out: Duktape is an embeddable Javascript engine, with a focus on portability and compact footprint.