Arduino Blog » Linux support comes to Arduino Create This looks interesting:  update to the Arduino Create web platform will enable development and deployment of IoT applications with integrated cloud services on Linux-based devices.  Users will be able to program their Linux boards as if they were regular Arduinos. Multiple Arduino programs can run simultaneously on a Linux board and programs can communicate

Industrial IoT Gateway Based on Android Things – This project is a proof of concept of an Industrial Gateway based on Android Things.  Android Things allow to cut development time of the gateway by facilitating the integration with required interfaces such as Ethernet, UART, SPI and I2C. Android Things can be used in common SBC such as Raspberry Pi to have a quick

Report Scores Cities to See if Technology Makes Them Safer – IEEE Spectrum  More and more people are migrating to cities. By 2030, 60 percent of the world’s population will live in an urban setting, according to the United Nations. How can these growing cities reduce conflicts, crime, violence, and terrorism? In a word: technology. 

After quietly infecting a million devices, Reaper botnet set to be worse than Mirai | ZDNet A little over a month ago, a sizable botnet of infected Internet of Things devices began appearing on the radar of security researchers. Now it’s on track to become one of the largest botnets recorded in recent years. The botnet, dubbed “Reaper” by researchers at Netlab 360, is said to have ensnared almost two million internet-connected webcams,

To Secure the Internet of Things, We Must Build It Out of “Patchable” Hardware – IEEE Spectrum  For several years now, the number of things connected to the Internet—including phones, smart watches, fitness trackers, home thermostats, and various sensors—has exceeded the human population.   For the most part, this development promises great excitement and opportunity for engineers and society at large. But there is a dark cloud hanging over the IoT: the

Troy Hunt: What Would It Look Like If We Put Warnings on IoT Devices Like We Do Cigarette Packets?  So how would warning labels on IoT devices that have had serious security vulnerabilities look?   Hilarious and also so needed. “Intrusions can occur anywhere”…  Or maybe it doesn’t need to be tech/legalspeak. WARNING! This connects to the INTERNET and BAD THINGS may happen!

Securing smart grid and advanced metering infrastructure  During the recent years, there have been two cyber-attacks on power plants in Ukraine, which for the first time in the history succeeded to disrupted and cut power in a country.  An analysis of the events in Ukraine indicates that in order for a cyber-attack to materialize, three conditions must exist: opportunity, ability, and motivation.

Here’s everything Google just announced Google held a press conference yesterday in San Francisco, where the company announced everything from new phones to crazy machine learning-powered wearable cameras. It was a flurry of news. Techcrunch condensed it all the highlights down well into one quick slideshow.

ESP8266 IoT Contest – Simplify the Connected World – The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hot topic in today’s tech conversations. Many times, IoT development and prototyping cycles are too long and too expensive due to the time and complexity it takes to build a simple IoT prototype. But the creation of IoT projects doesn’t have to be complex or expensive. myDevices,