
2017 JavaScript Rising Stars Let’s see by the numbers which projects got traction in 2017 by comparing the numbers of stars added on GitHub over the last 12 months.

Top 15 resources for learning JavaScript |  HTML, cascading stylesheets (CSS), and JavaScript have experienced massive growth and evolution over the past two decades. More than 25 years have passed since the first web pages produced with JavaScript were developed, and things have improved immensely. There are tons of JavaScript libraries and frameworks out there.

JavaScript Is Eating The World JavaScript and NodeJS are single handedly eating the world of software. Once only thought of as “hipster” technology, NodeJS is quickly becoming one of the most commonly used environments for building web applications. This article has a list of 5 huge companies who have adopted NodeJS for use inside high traffic, high profile production projects.

To type or not to type: quantifying detectable bugs in JavaScript | the morning paper Very interesting scientific analysis of using Flow/TypeScript annotations to autodetect 15% of bugs in JavaScript  To type or not to type: quantifying detectable bugs in JavaScript Gao et al., ICSE 2017 Is it worth the extra effort to add static type annotations to a JavaScript project? Should I use Facebook’s Flow or Microsoft’s TypeScript if so?