LED lamps flickering comparison

The flickering of the LED light bulbs can be a problem for some people and also when making video/film. Some LED light bulbs flicker noticeably when new, some do not flicker noticeably. In home lighting applications, flickering LED lights can be particularly bothersome in areas such as the living room or bedroom where people often

Kemo LED tester

Here is a look at old KEMO M087 LED tester module (the original M087 is discontinued product but there is a newer different looking M087M product. With the aid of this test module it is made possible to carry out tests with all kinds of light emitting diodes in order to check function, brightness, colour

Mains LED waveform

I saw a quite interesting looking waveform from a 10W LED floodlight powered from 230V AC. It looks like when AC voltage waveform instantaneous voltage lower than some voltage, it takes practucally no current and above it it looks like a constant current load. This is picture of the light. This looks like this uses

LED hat project ideas

I saw an advertisement video of LED hat on Facebook some days ago. This kind of had might not be the best idea to wear on many parties, but maybe could have some uses for advertisement purposes. This kind of LED hat is something that makes hacker mind spinning. The hat had wireless connection so,

Bidirectional optical device

Traditionally, an optical communication system would require two components at each end: transmitter and receiver. It has been known that LEDs can act as photo sensors, but they have not been very practical for optical communications applications. Researchers have now shown switching between LED and photodetector modes on new type component quickly enough for real-time

Proposed LED/wired IoT standard can reduce energy use

While switching to LED lighting certainly helps reduce power consumption, we can do more. Each conventional mains powered LED bulb has its own AC/DC power supply, which is needed for bulbs to be compatible with AC wiring and lighting fixtures with sockets designed 100 years ago. Having individual power supplies adds cost and decreases efficiency

AC Powered LEDs Could Cut The Cost Of Lighting IEEE Spectrum – IEEE Spectrum

https://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/semiconductors/optoelectronics/acpowered-leds-could-cut-the-cost-of-lighting “Engineers at Pennsylvania State University have demonstrated a practical way to integrate gallium nitride LEDs and their power supply circuits onto the same chip using industry-standard manufacturing processes.” The results promise a cheap lighting chip that runs directly from the AC electricity supplied by a wall outlet (110-120V AC). Researchers say that this makes

LED flashlight battery holder resistance

I had some broked LED flashlights and I thought of using components from them. Especially the compact battery holder that takes three AAA batteries looks useful in other small projects. Those worked OK when lightly loaded. But when I started taking current for a small motor, I could not get acceptable power out of them.

LED lighting can disrupt radio communications | Southgate Amateur Radio News

http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2018/october/led-lighting-can-disrupt-radio-communications.htm#.W9XAslNyg0M Dutch amateur radio society VERON reports the current EMC standard, developed in the last century, no longer suffices. “The faulty LED lights disrupt wireless connections in and around the house. Radiocommunications Agency therefore starts an investigation into 50 LED lamp suppliers.” “A number of lamps do not appear to meet the EMC standard. Especially