
Linus Torvalds and Linux Code of Conduct: 7 myths debunked Since Linus Torvalds announced he was taking time off to work on his behaviorin the Linux developer community and a new Linux kernel developer Code of Conduct (CoC) was introduced, there has been hysterical myths regarding what’s happening. No, protesting programmers are not removing code from Linux; there are no purges of politically incorrect

A sysadmin’s guide to SELinux | Security. Hardening. Compliance. Policy. The Four Horsemen of the SysAdmin Apocalypse. In addition to our daily tasks—monitoring, backup, implementation, tuning, updating, and so forth—we are also in charge of securing our systems. In the spirit of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, here are the 42 answers to the big questions about managing and

How to use dd in Linux without destroying your disk | There’s some truth to that old Unix admin joke: “dd stands for disk destroyer.” If you know what you are using, dd is a simple and powerful image-copying tool that’s been around, well, pretty much forever. There’s all kinds of stuff you can do with dd. In addition to dd this article also introduces

4 tools for building embedded Linux systems Explore Yocto, Buildroot, OpenWRT, and adapted desktop distros to determine the right option for your project. The development environment in embedded systems programming is usually very different from the testing and production environments. Typically, the build output will consist of an entire software image for the target device, including the kernel, device drivers, libraries,

Linux is under your hood | ZDNet Way back in 2004, Jonathan Schwartz, then Sun’s chief operating officer, suggested that cars could become software platformsthe same way feature phones were. He was right. But, it’s Linux, not Java. There are other contenders for car operating systems, such as Blackberry’s QNX and Microsoft IoT Connected Vehicles, but both have lost ground to

Microsoft built its own custom Linux kernel for its new IoT service | TechCrunch Microsoft announced the launch of a secure end-to-end IoT product that focuses on microcontroller-based devices. At the core of Azure Sphere is a new class of certified MCUs. MediaTek is producing the first set of these new MCUs (single-core ARM-A7 systems that run at 500MHz). Interesring twist is that for the first time ever,

Technical Cheat Sheets for Developers – RHD Blog Here are the cheat sheets available today: Linux Commands Cheat Sheet, Advanced Linux Commands Cheat Sheet, Wildfly Swarm Cheat Sheet, Containers Cheat Sheet, MongoDB Cheat Sheet, Kubernetes Cheat Sheet and the Eclipse Vert.x Cheat Sheet.

4 Vital Tips for Getting the Most Out of Traceroute Anyone – even users with zero networking experience – can run a traceroute. All you need is a command prompt and a destination device. Yet, despite how easy it is to use, its results are often misunderstood. To be able to make good use of traceroute for network troubleshooting, you need to understand two