
Linux antivirus and anti malware: 8 top tools | CSO Online  By most estimates, more than 50 percent of web servers on the internet are running some version of Linux or a related *nix. That should be enough to drive home how critical it is to the ongoing success of the Information Age that you analyze, identify, and eradicate malware on or passing through your

Learn just enough Linux to get things done — petralia The notion that “you can only be good at one thing” is not a roadmap to mastery but rather a prescription for premature optimization. You can only know what you’re good at once you’ve sampled a lot of things - and you may just find that you’re good at a lot of them.  The Windows ecosystem

TLDR is what Linux man pages always should have been Man — which is short for manual — retrieves documentation for a given program, but that documentation is not always easies to understand. TLDR documentation focuses on offering practical example-driven instructions of how something works.

Containers and microservices complicate cloud-native security Developing applications with microservices and containers may be a modern approach to software design, but traditional software flaws still remain a problem when addressing cloud-native security. When you think about microservices-architected, there’s a wide range of, I guess you could say opinions, about what that means.  In this age of DevOps and cloud-native development, the software

​Linux totally dominates supercomputers | ZDNet  “All 500 of the world’s fastest supercomputers are running Linux” Linux rules supercomputing. This day has been coming since 1998. Before Linux took the lead, Unix was supercomputing’s top operating system. Now it seems that it will take a hardware revolution, such as quantum computing, to shake Linux’s supercomputing grip.  To this day, the Beowulf design remains

Arduino Blog » Linux support comes to Arduino Create This looks interesting:  update to the Arduino Create web platform will enable development and deployment of IoT applications with integrated cloud services on Linux-based devices.  Users will be able to program their Linux boards as if they were regular Arduinos. Multiple Arduino programs can run simultaneously on a Linux board and programs can communicate

An introduction to timekeeping in Linux VMs | Keeping time in Linux is not simple, and virtualization adds additional challenges and opportunities. This article reviews KVM, Xen, and Hyper-V related time-keeping techniques and the corresponding parts of the Linux kernel.