
List of dangerous shell commands It is not uncommon to see trolls tricking new Linux/Unix users run commands as a joke. This page tries to collect the commands you should be warned of.

Wikileaks Unveils CIA Implants that Steal SSH Credentials from Windows & Linux PCs WikiLeaks has today published the 15th batch of its ongoing Vault 7 leak, this time detailing two alleged CIA implants that allowed the agency to intercept and exfiltrate SSH (Secure Shell) credentials from targeted Windows and Linux operating systems. BothanSpy implant is for Microsoft Windows Xshell client. Gyrfalcon targets the OpenSSH client on various distributions of Linux OS: CentOS,

Linux Foundation launches the Open-source EdgeX Foundry for IoT standardisation Security is the Achilles heel of the Internet of Things, according to Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols on ZDNet. The lack of common IoT development standards is part of this problem. This is why the Linux Foundation, along with 50 companies, has announced The EdgeX Foundry. The group will build a common open framework for IoT

OutlawCountry: CIA’s Hacking Tool For Linux Computers Revealed Wikileaks has published fresh documents that deal with the CIA’s hacking and spying on Linux machines using a malware strain called OutlawCountry. This tool consists of a kernel module that creates invisible netfilter table for creating new rules with iptables command. Those rules can modify and redirect the network traffic. The OutlawCountry’s prerequisites for operation are