Friday Fun: Christmas design
Bad design: Christmas →
Bad design: Christmas →
Audio signal panning →
The Hacker Test was an old test of how much of a ‘hacker’ (as in ‘nerd’, not ‘cracker’) you are. Since it came out in 1990, almost all of the questions are obsolete. That makes it a really neat historical document of what people considered cool at the time. Hacker Test History →
I asked SUNO AI to generate cyber-security metal music. It produced those. Firewall Fury Firewall Fury metalcore intense relentless [Verse] Bytes and codes collide Digital wasteland Intruders seek to harm Defensive stand! [Verse 2] Viruses unleashed Malware on the prowl Encrypted wrath Hear our scowls! [Chorus] Firewall fury In the cyber night Data →
Useless Use of Cat Award Contents: Useless Use of cat Useless Use of kill -9 Useless Use of echo Useless Use of ls * Useless Use of wc -l Useless Use of grep | awk Useless Use of Backticks Useless Use of test →
A suitable warning label to put to FOH →
He’s making a table He’s checking it twice SELECT * FROM List WHERE behaviour = ‘Nice’ SQL clause is coming to town Source: Related XKCD classic →
ADAM RUINS EVERYTHING K1 J41 Adam Ruins Everything Corrects ITSELF! Adam Ruins Everything – Why “Moderate Drinking” isn’t Really Good for You | truTV →
Light cooking ideas for this Friday: Infrared cooking and using light instrument heat directly. You can’t do this with one of those new LED pars. PAR Cans are the most widely used light for concerts, clubs, and theatrical lighting. Some people have cooked with them. Here are few examples from the discussion: Alton Brown →
Electrolytic capacitors blow up when they are pushed too hard. That’s normally a very bad thing. This hardware hack uses exploding capacitors as a propellant. For purely for innovation and engineering, this YouTube experimenter built a working capacitor revolver and tested its capabilities. I Built An Electric Capacitor Revolver! Funny idea, but not the →