Friday Fun: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – A Guide to Science Writing → → IN what has been hailed as ‘a miracle’, one Waterford teenager has reportedly survived in his home with no connection to the internet for almost 6 whole hours. →
I saw this sign few days ago at Särkänniemi park at Tampere Finland. → Jason Shulman photographs entire movies with ultra-long exposures, creating impressionist photo masterpieces in the process. → Filip created this illustration series to learn how to use 3D painting software Substance Painter – and he’s just released some new works. Check them out here. → Fix your software to be bug-free! →
40 Times People Had Awful Taste But Executed Their Ideas Flawlessly Surprisingly, there are quite a few displays of quality craftsmanship in the least elegant way possible. → → Scientists around the World have finally conceded that the Earth is most probably not a completely flat disc after all despite some people keep claiming that. Research conducted at the University of Oxford has proven conclusively that a cat on a table will inevitably push anything on it off the edge and onto the →
Cats and Internet Wikipedia page says that images and videos of domestic cats make up some of the most viewed content on the web, particularly image macros in the form of lolcats. Here is links to some funny picures of this “unofficial mascot of the Internet”: →