Off topic fun

Friday Art: Circuit Sculptures

Circuits are beautiful in their own way, and a circuit sculpture takes that abstract beauty and makes it into a purposeful art form. Some artists can use circuit wires as the structure of a sculpture, and can try to tell a story with components. Twelve Circuit Sculptures We Can’t Stop Looking At article shows you

Friday Fun: Rejected Works According to this story this Cartoonist Got Rejected By The New Yorker, So He Decided To Post Rejected Works For Everyone To Judge. I found some of the works quite funny.

Friday Art: Finnish Photographer Proves Fairy Forests Are Real In Finland Many people think of Finland as the land of cold weather and darkness. Ossi Saarinen brings delightful feelings through his photos of spectacular Finnish nature. The photos especially concentrate on the details of untouched forests covering almost three-quarters of the whole country. Finnish animals also appear to be very mysterious, fascinating and charming.