Friday Fun: Trolley Madness – Existential Comics This comic references the Trolley Problem, and various other thought experiments. → This comic references the Trolley Problem, and various other thought experiments. → In the beginning, there was light and darkness and stack overflow, which is really just a combination of the two. In a shiny, new world made by a programmer… → Everyone loves Halloween, including the hippos at the i Zoo, because they get to chomp down on delicious pumpkins. Because hippo mouth was compared to press, here is bonus video: Hydraulic press vs pumpkin → → Japan has hundreds of mascots, or Yuru-chara, to promote companies, local culture, history or produce. It’s not an easy life, especially if you’re using public transport… but you might find some of the pictures of those occasions funny. → Incredible set of fantastic photographs! → Over 150 People Tried To Draw 10 Famous Logos From Memory, And The Results Are Hilarious → Oscilloscopes are useful for diagnosing various electronics issues.Gameplay on oscilloscope screen can be seen in the video below, but there are artifacts in video due to the video camera and the game’s display not being in sync. → Swedish furniture giant IKEA have pounced on a gap in the EDM market and are planning to roll out a new DJing table specifically designed for the EDM DJs. The desk can reportedly hold four to five egocentric EDM DJs at a time. “Some DJs in the underground prefer the tactic of actually playing good music → →