Thank God Not Everything Is Software — Geek&Poke More fun at → More fun at → The denizens of Silicon Valley have been inventing their own language, one that is often as incomprehensible as pirate-speak outside of the Bay Area. Now there’s a Silicon Valley Dictionary, and it’s growing daily. Examples: Bus Factor: The number of people that need to be hit by a bus before their project is dead. Code Ninja: A → → AutoDraw uses machine learning to match your doodles with professional works in order to clean up a sketch. Simply pull up AutoDraw on your phone, tablet, or desktop computer and start sketching. As you draw, image suggestions will appear above the drawing pad. “We hope AutoDraw will help make drawing and creating a little → These AT&T commercials from 1993 predict ebooks, GPS, RFID technology, video calling, smart homes, video streaming, and eLearning. → It is April Fools day, and this article lists some funny pranks. →
Here is some photo art for this friday: ‘Still File‘ is a series of 4 photographs recreating computer renderings as physical scenes. The photos’ artifacts, surroundings, camera settings and lighting has been shaped intending to resemble 3d graphics of different types. You can find the pictures at →
No aim? No worries! That’s because YouTuber Mark Rober has a solution: self-adjusting dartboard that automatically reposition itself so you hit the bullseye nearly every time. The setup uses six infrared cameras to track the dart’s motion, then calculates a final position using an NVIDIA TX1 development kit. → Musician and composer Mari Lesteberg creates animaation using keyboard and a MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) connection. → →