Off topic fun

Friday Fun: Google Plastic

Virtual reality is today big news. Arguably much of the resurgence in interest is down to Oculus, the company that surprised everyone in 2012 with a fabulously successful Kickstarter campaign to build its Rift VR headset. The company had been acquired by Facebook in 2014  for the previously inconceivable sum of $2bn. The consumer version

Friday Fun: Classic Programmer Paintings

Painters and Hackers: typically people think they have nothing in common whatsoever – but some can see programming as art. Classic Programmer Paintings page shows software engineering as depicted by artists through history: classical paintings with suitable software engineering subtitles (technically, might not be all classical). Here is one example from Classic Programmer Paintings page:

Friday Fun: EMC Style

EMC’s Chad Sakac once made a Gangnam Style parody music video. EMC Style 2013: Chad Sakac and the EMC Giddyups rock the datacenter – yeah! … Oopa EMC Style! You have never seen – or heard – anything like this. This party was going on few years ago. Nowdays EMC revenues shrink.

Friday Fun: 26 Comics Of Finnish Nightmares

26 Comics Of Finnish Nightmares Even Non-Finns Can Relate To (By Karoliina Korhonen) on 9GAG is a collect of comic pictures that is worth to check out. Those comics are from Finnish Nightmares – Comic about uncomfortable social situations, uncomfortable everything.    

Computer Programming To Be Officially Renamed “Googling Stackoverflow”?

According to Computer Programming To Be Officially Renamed “Googling Stackoverflow” article The IEEE have produced a report today where they strongly recommend that from now on, the discipline of Computer Programming should be officially renamed to “Googling Stackoverflow” - IEEE QLASOS for short. I’m HOPING this is a joke…   But it’s somewhat true for junior coders that