Friday Fun: Adding “-ing” to the end of a movie title changes the plot
Blame It On The Voices: Adding “-ing” to the end of a movie title changes the plot →
Blame It On The Voices: Adding “-ing” to the end of a movie title changes the plot →
The German TV show NEO MAGAZIN Royale asked their viewers to send in old hardware. These old floppy drives, scanners, typewriters, hard drives, modems, and speakers would be turned into instruments. The German hip hop group, Fettes Brot performed Die da on these instruments. Fettes Brot feat. Geekchester – Jein | NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE mit →
Incredible Marble Music Machine is the best description for the band Wintergatan – REAL working mechanical genius. The music you hear is played by using 2000 marbles in Marble Machine built and composed by Martin Molin. Look at the video: The best part for all makers: Wintergatan documented the whole build process in an eight →
Leap days come but once in a blue moon (or less), and though it’s not an actual holiday (yet), let’s celebrate with some electronics-related fun.Leap day fun stuff has material to help celebration. → Posted from WordPress for Android → Funny IoT comic Posted from WordPress for Android →
Simone Giertz – YouTube channel at has some funny “commecials” involving interesting DIY robots… → Posted from WordPress for Android →
According to the calendar, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! Valentine’s Day cards for engineers article has card ideas to print out. Happy Valentine’s Day. →
Rube Slowberg is World’s Slowest Rube Goldberg. Have fun watching this video: →