Friday Fun: “Advanced Useless Machine” is actually very satisfying – Interesting Engineering Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Some are pretty funny I have to agree.. Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
Something for this Friday. Finland’s Heavisaurus: Half Black Sabbath, half Barney the dinosaur article tells that Finland’s biggest musical sensation is a kid-friendly mashup of Black Sabbath and Barney the dinosaur. Hevisaurus — which has so far remained under the radar outside of Scandinavia — features five interchangeable musicians shredding heavy metal tunes about homework, monsters and →
Act Now And Receive the Prong Saver For Only $0.00! Well, actually, you can’t buy this. But for [TVmiller’s] latest project he decided to have some fun with the video — so he made an infomercial for it. Solar powered vacuum cord tension alarm added to any existing vacuum cord. And just because he could, →
Imagine if you played all the keys on a piano at once. What would it sound like? Black MIDI: There Is No Denser Music article offers some idea how to transcribe that to music. What would it look like? So many notes that you could hardly see the paper underneath. The people making such “impossible music” →