14 Totally WTF Japanese Inventions – Answers.com
http://www.answers.com/article/1303179/12-bizarre-japanese-inventions?param4=rvc-ron-mo-entertainment-tt¶m1=11002 Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://www.answers.com/article/1303179/12-bizarre-japanese-inventions?param4=rvc-ron-mo-entertainment-tt¶m1=11002 Posted from WordPress for Android →
Finland, land of the midnight sun, saunas, black metal, and phones that were once cool, is now also the land of emoji. Finland is the first in the world to release a set of government-approved emoji stickers. This year ThisisFINLAND country brand website Christmas calendar is full of Finnish emotions (is there such a thing?). Working →
http://businessvalueexchange.com/blog/2015/04/30/cyber-security-learning-from-the-movies/?utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=referral Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://www.boredpanda.com/satiric-illustrations-retro-john-holcroft/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
Beautiful fractal art! Posted from WordPress for Android →
Check out a new funny cartoon: Finnish Nightmares. It describes Finnish horror situations and hits directly into the heart of Finnish culture. It is a funny cartoon that describe the stereo type of Finnish guests or socially distressing situations. From it you can find uncomfortable social situations, uncomfortable everything. Cartoon has really found its audience, →
‘Back to the Future’ Day: Time is in flux, and the ‘Future’ is today. The date to which Michael J. Fox’s Marty McFly and Christopher Lloyd’s Doc Brown time-travel in the 1989 film ‘Back to the Future II’ is upon us. So here are 5 Back to the Future DIY projects. →
auchenberg/volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass. Volkswagen uses a defeat device to detect when it’s being tested in a CI server and will automatically reduce errors to an acceptable level for the tests to pass. The module name refers to very recent case where car →
http://www.kickvick.com/true-life-facts/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
Dilbert – The Knack “The Curse of the Engineer” “The Knack” clip from Dilbert S01E09: Dilbert is diagnosed with “The Knack” at a young age and is destined to become an engineer! Oh no!!!! →