Off topic fun

Awesome Product Improvements

Here is something to think on this Friday: 19 Awesome Product Improvements – At First, I Thought This Was Ridiculous. Then I realized some of them were Pure Genius. What’s something that you never notice may be wrong (or can be changed) until you see it done in a different way? – but is the

John Oliver hits Snowden hard on NSA leaks

Remember Edward Snowden? I remember, but for many Americans who talked to John Oliver on Last Week Tonight, the answer is no. It’s been almost two years since the world was captivated by Snowden’s leaks to The Guardian and The Washington Post about American surveillance programs. Although the Snowden leaks certainly proved lots of buzz, American surveillance

April Fools’ Day

April Fools’ Day (April 1st) is now here. If you need ideas for practical jokes, check my postings Prank Ideas For April Fools’ Day and April Fools Pranks and Gadgets. Check also other idea from Practical Jokes section. Happy April Fools’ Day – don’t believe everything that you hear and read.