Off topic fun

Friday Fun: Amazing Vectorscope Animations

Nerdalert: German TV Producers’ Amazing Vectorscope Animations article tells that German weekend late-night comedy show “Neo Magazin Royale” has a bunch of super-nerds behind the screens in the production studio. This is apparently what they do when they’re (not) working: making test screens that render as multiple animations on their test equipment. While others out

Renesas MCU Car Rally 2015

Here are some interesting robotics video for this Friday. Renesas MCU Car Rally 2015 video tells about 1st European Renesas MCU Car Rally held on 26th February at embedded world 2015 in Nuremberg. It is a competition between 17 teams comprising some 100 university students from all over Europe who come together to test their

Friday Fun: Murphy’s Law updated

The perceived perversity of the universe has long been a subject of comment, and precursors to the modern version of Murphy’s law are not hard to find. Murphy’s Laws for the 21st Century article shows one modernized version for this Firday 13th Check also somewhat related The 10 Commandments of Electronics article.