Off topic fun

Friday Fun: ICE BIKE

It is getting cold. So cold that I have already seen snow and ice in Finland. Related to this – What if a bike had ice for wheels? The worlds first bike with wheels made of ICE video shows when inventor Colin Furze decided to find out how well ice wheels work on bike. There is also Behind

Funniest person in the world comes from Finland

Last week Laugh Factory had a Funniest Person in the World competition. The results that came out this week was that Finnish stamp-up comedian Ismo Leikola won the competition clearly. Is Ismo Leikola the world’s funniest person? The winner of the Funniest Person in the World competition is a brown-haired, slightly rotund stand-up comic from

Fiday Fun: Making A Pop Song

Making A Pop Song: Talent Not Required: swedish songwriter Roomie shows you how to record a number one song – without talent! Comp heavily, sample or dig into some sample libraries. Can’t sing on key? Antares is your friend.