Off topic fun

Android phone powered Lego robot solves Rubik’s cube

DeviceGuru reports that A Lego Mindstorms robotics kit controlled by an HTC Nexus One smartphone successfully untangled a Rubik’s Cube puzzle in 12.5 seconds at this week’s ARM developer conference in Silicon Valley. ARM principal engineer David Gilday masterminded the robotic Rubik’s Cube demo. Here’s a YouTube video showing Gilday demonstrating his latest 3x3x3 cube-solver.

Web Asteroids

Have you ever visited a website and been so frustrated by the content, layout, or adverts that you’d love to destroy it? Well, now you can. This is a great game to vaporize annoying on web page. This is a special web version of Asteroids video game. Steer with the arrow-keys. Press space and it

HTML5 music video

The Wilderness Downtown is an interactive film by Chris Milk. This masterpiece music video film is built using HTML5 technologies (unfortunately at the moment works only with Google Chrome browser). The music video tooks the user back to their childhood on an interactive journey set to the backdrop of We Used to Wait by the

Not so boring sorting algorithms

Anyone who has ever done a programming course or tried to learn to code out of a book will have come across sorting algorithms. Bubble, heap, merge, there’s a long list of these methods of sorting data. The subject matter is fairly dry, and is usually presented in a prety boring way. Sorting algorithms: quite

HTML5 Pac-Man

Everyone knows and loves Pacman game. Programmer Dale Harvey has created a playable version of Pac-Man because writing a simple browser game seemed like a good idea. He is using only web standards: localStorage, HTML5 Audio, Canvas and @font-face. To play Harvey’s game, you’ll need to use a browser that supports the HTML5 elements he’s

Singing tesla coils

Tesla coils and other high voltage equipment that make sparks are always interesting. For that reason ArcAttack is an interesting performance art group that specializes in playing music through a combination of home made, high tech instruments, and more traditional instruments. The main attraction of their performance is the use of two custom built Singing

Cool thing from Assembly Summer 2010

I visited Assembly Summer 2010 computer festival this weekend. There were many interesting multimedia presentations shown there and some interesting seminars. Check the competition results and view the winners easily on Assembly Summer 2010 gallery and more on YouTube. Check also Future Crew documentary. In the seminars Andreas Jakl from Nokia presented material on programming

151,200 LEDs

Design News reports and interesting LED lighting application. In Brussels, the Dexia Tower office building uses 151,200 LEDs to illuminate the entire building. Each window is illuminated by a row of 12 RGB LEDs along the bottom of the windowpane. A computer controls the whole display. Watch the Youtube video of the building LEDs in

Assembly TV 2010 is broadcasting

Assembly TV has just started the Internet broadcasting from Assembly Summer 2010 Festival. Expect to see lots of interesting material. In this example screen capture you see that you can make interesting demo with Texas Instruments graphical calculator.. More amazing stuff coming on other platforms. View the Internet broadcast at on your web browser.