New Rights to Hack Digital Devices Could Make Us Safer This is a step to right direction! → This is a step to right direction! → Copyright law can affect in USA what you can do to your car legally. → Companies have long time used those stickers try to prevent users from opening devices – but what is said on stickers might not be true, even deceptive and possibly illegal. → This companies fighting against DIY repair information starts to get really annoying… → There are too many devices today that are intentionally made unrepairable by the owner – trying to repair can be even illegal. We should have right to repair or even modify things we own. → →
Here is teardown of one failed power supply. What is inside Two 6.8 uF 400V capacitors had failed and burned the mains fuse. Good design that it was well protected. But again the failure was bad electrolytic capacitors. This device was not worth to repair. →
Mastech MS8209 is real multimeter that can measure almost anything. I have written some comments on Mastech MS8209 years ago. Some technical data on the back of the multimeter. The things I liked: – practically all the necessary multimeter measurements including frequency and capacitance measurements – good mechanical consruction, convient size and durable – the → No more third party or diy repairs? Posted from WordPress for Android →
How to Fix Everything article is a profile of iFixit, the company helping us continue doing DIY repairs on modern electronics. “Normally if I purchase a hammer, if the head of the hammer falls off, I’m allowed to repair it” Manufacturers have attempted to use the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to claim that they own →